Tag Archives: delaying

Preparation 3 — Delaying When We Can’t Decline or Deliver

Preparation 3 — Delaying When We Can’t Decline or Deliver

I usually split our options of what to do when we can’t deliver into two because we won’t always have the option to decline, or it isn’t always worth taking. In those cases, *delaying* is our only other option — if we’re not willing to deliver *poorly* for having been unprepared.Continue Reading

Preparation 1 — What to Do When We’re Not Prepared

Preparation 1 — What to Do When We’re Not Prepared

Dear Rhetor, I frequently find myself ill-equipped and unprepared for things like speeches, meetings, negotiations, and presentations. If you could only pick one tip or tactic to use in situations like that, what would it be?Continue Reading


Our Rhetorical abilities are entirely determined by what we know and what we do. All of Rhetoric is learned. This site is about what to know, and what to do, to become a Good Rhetor. Whether you use that power for fame, fortune, or fulfillment, ideally, you'll do something good with it.

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